Case Studies

Event A: N/A

Event B: N/A

Event C: Vikram, G. "Unleashing the power of Operations Management for Global Sustainability."

Event D: Thinakaran, J. "Fresh Connections: Navigating the Pre and Post-COVID Landscape of Digital Farm Produce Marketing"

Event E: Q & A Session

Event F: Aarons-Mele, M. (2023). "Navigating Mental Health in a Multigenerational Workplace." Harvard Business Review.

A. N/A

B. N/A

C. G. Vikram. "Unleashing the power of Operations Management for Global Sustainability."

Unleashing the Power of OM for Global Sustainability - Case Analysis.pdf

D. Jenita Thinakaran. "Fresh Connections: Navigating the Pre and Post-COVID Landscape of Digital Farm Produce Marketing."

Case studies - Navigating digital marketing of fresh farm produce 27 March 2024.docx


F. Aarons-Mele, M. (2023). "Navigating Mental Health in a Multigenerational Workplace." Harvard Business Review.

Navigating Mental Health in a Multigenerational Workplace.PDF

